Vishal Pandhare

Software Engineer

I am a passionate software engineer with a strong interest in developing innovative solutions and solving complex problems. My goal is to contribute to the field of technology and create impactful software that enhances user experiences. Through continuous learning and exploration, I aim to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the software industry.

My Projects

Classic Game

Classic Game

This is classic game created using React js and also added mario background music to enjoy game

Blood donation app

Blood donation app

Develop blood donation app in react native for android device to make easy to get blood from anywhere Implemented user call and message feature currently working on it Tech stack: React Native

Share you

Share you

Experience sharing platform for people to ask questions and share their experiences.Implemented authentication, authorization, and email sending using Node.js SMTP module. Also added OTP verification for password recovery.Users can like, comment, and interact with posts.

Note Taking App

Note Taking App

This is simple note app created using HTML CSS Javascript and also add night and day mode

Recipe Book

Recipe Book

This is an Recipe-_book created with react native app in android as well as ios user can check Recipe of different place

Demo Products

Demo Products

This is Demo product app build with html , scss (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets ) and Javascript also use Dummy product data api

Med Plus

Med Plus

This is Demo product app build with html , scss (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets ) and Javascript also use Dummy product data api

My Tech Skills

React Native
vishal pandhare

I am available for freelance or full-time position.Contact me and let 's talk.

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